A very good friend of mine introduced me to #Laminine. When I started taking down the nine I had several health issues a couple years ago.
I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure a symptom of congestive heart failure is fluid retention this really affects a person’s feet as well as his heart. My feet actually would swell up so bad that I couldn’t get my shoes on.
I was also diagnosed with a weak heart and a low ejection fraction both of these are caused by a congestive heart failure now ejection fraction is the percentage of blood that the heart pumps with each beat. The normal dejection fraction is 50 to 70 percent mine was 30 percent, which was really not good. As a matter of fact it was scary.
About four months after I started taking #Laminine I was given a stress test, a CT scan and a sonogram. These tests were administered to me to determine if there was any changes in my congestive heart failure and I’m very happy to say that there were some really great news. I was informed that my ejection fraction was 61 percent. Now that’s a hundred percent improvement my cardiologists also informed me that my heart was strong again fortunately I’m still here to tell you that it’s nice living without congestive heart failure and fluid retention and these are just the name a few of the major problems I had.
I’ve also had some minor problems that have been taken care of. I really do appreciate my friend introducing me to #Laminine and also would like to thank Lifepharm Global for making #Laminine available to me and to anybody else who would like to take it.
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