Watch the Video on Excerpts from American Health Journal, Dr. Edward Andujar, Dr. Alex Martin, MD. LifePharm scientists explain how Laminine affects blood sugar, diabetes condition.
A group of patients that we picked from were patients that were pre-diabetic measured by what’s called hemoglobin a1c, which is now the golden standard for diabetes half we put them placebo and half we put in the Laminine group.
Amazingly enough the overwhelming possible group the actual hemoglobin a1c went up which means they moved to the diabetic group and then the pre-diabetic that was taking Laminine they all went down which was amazing that a dietary supplement could lower the sugar as much.
As many medications we work with, the clinical applications of research in cellular biology these are research pieces that come to us from across the world we then apply them clinically we do studies and we do actual we actually treat patients that need these applications.
Laminine is a regulator of blood sugar like many other drugs that are on the market or complex proteins it controls the fluctuation in blood sugar so that we don't get wild roller coastering of blood sugar and insulin levels we’re very fortunate that to have Laminine as a contributor to controlling blood sugar.